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Queen of Hearts,





The Queen of Hearts is one of the most adaptable houseplants - she will do well in just about any room. Place her near a window with bright, filtered sunlight, or even in a dimly lit room. Rotate the plant occasionally to encourage even growth.

Light Requirements

Light Requirements

The Queen of Hearts will thrive in bright, indirect sunlight but will be perfectly fine in low light conditions as well. Avoid placing her in direct sun, as the rays can scorch the leaves.

Watering Needs

Watering Needs

Water when the the top 50% of the soil is dry and mist the leaves regularly. Water the plant just enough to keep the soil evenly moist but be sure not to overwater. Use lukewarm water.

Temperature Preferences

Temperature Preferences

Prefers warmer temperature between 65°F - 85°F. Cold temperatures should be avoided.

Humidity Tolerance

Humidity Tolerance

Does well with standard indoor levels of humidity, about 40% - 60%. If the air around the plant is too dry, use a humidifier or occasionally mist the plant to increase humidity.

Repotting Needs

Repotting Needs

The plant can live happily in the provided pot for up to a year. Check if the plant is ready to be repotted by touching the soil and seeing if it has become loose, or if the roots have become overgrown. Irrigate the pot in order to loosen the soil before transplanting. Repot using a rich, well-draining soil. When your plant is ready to be repotted, you can follow our simple how-to guide.

Unhealthy Plant Signs

Unhealthy Plant Signs

It is normal for the lower leaves to turn yellow and fall off. You can prune yellowing leaves by cutting them off at the stem's base with clean gardening shears or scissors. If the leaves are yellowing very frequently, the plant may be too cold or need more sunlight. Yellowing leaves can also be a sign of overwatering or under watering.



If ingested, may cause a harmful reaction in people and pets.

Queen of Hearts - Ansel & Ivy Queen of Hearts - Ansel & Ivy Queen of Hearts - Ansel & Ivy Queen of Hearts - Ansel & Ivy Queen of Hearts - Ansel & Ivy Queen of Hearts Queen of Hearts
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